Lila and her sisters raise money for the trusts work

What a fantastic team. Lila Blake and her sisters Phoebe and Thia and their friend made some great objects and seahorses out of Hama beads to sell to raise money for the work of The Seahorse Trust. Between them they raised an amazing £30 which will go towards our British Seahorse Survey work.

In recognition of her hard work we have sent Lila an adoption pack and she decided Peta would be her favourite Seahorse.

Peta – Black Foot Indian name meaning “Golden Eagle” was found in Torbay when she was a youngster and was caught in a shrimp net; she was floating around with a large swarm of shrimps, which we think she was eating. Because of the various types of habitats to be found in Torbay it has both species of Seahorse living there and another Seahorse was found a week later about 100 yards from Peta but it was a Spiny Seahorse called Francis.

Thank you to Lila and her team for their hard work.


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