This page contains information specific to divers and their activities. Please take this opportunity to read the PDF statement below from “Natural England”.
Divers are valuable to the work of The Seahorse Trust in its quest for information about Seahorses in the wild. We value your amazing input, and without you we would never have got both native species protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981).
If you see Seahorses in the wild, please let us know, we need to know everything you can tell us about them such as size, distinguishing marks, species, the habitat it was found in, was it male or female, weather conditions and depth, in fact everything you can think of.
We ask that when you see a seahorse please look but don’t touch and follow Natural England’s guidelines on taking pictures. With modern cameras most pictures can be taken without a flash and we ask that you do not use flash at all, but if you have to, restrict your pictures to one or two. If the seahorse moves away, please don’t chase them as they are easily stressed. Thank you.

Seahorse sightings from around the world
If you see a seahorse in the wild anywhere in the world we would love to know. By gathering sightings, pictures and data from all over the world we can use this information to protect seahorses into the future.
Please use the reporting form or fill in the downloadable survey form (below) and e-mail it to us at The Seahorse Trust.
Alternately why not use our online reporting portal on the World Seahorse Survey page on this website. Click the button below to go to it.
If you have pictures please e-mail these to us as they say a pictures speaks a thousand words and we can learn so much about your amazing find