World Seahorse Survey
Understanding seahorses from anywhere in the world is crucial to their protection and conservation, the more we know, the more we can do to protect them.
No matter where you are in the world we need to know about your seahorse sightings and so if you can e-mail us on WORLD SEAHORSE SURVEY with any information and/or pictures that would be great.
Alternatively if you could fill out our online survey form (link below) and e-mail us any pictures we can also add that to the worldwide databases we run.
So please save it to your computer, fill it in and then e-mail it to the trust at
At present we are campaging to raise funds to design an interactive seahorse survey database and map to allow seahorse lovers to see roughly where seahorses are around the world.
The database behind this map will be open at various levels for those that need the information, so that it helps in the conservation and future of seahorses from around the world.
“All data submitted, unless otherwise requested, will be the property of Neil Garrick-Maidment, founder of The World Seahorse Database”
Please click here to support our appeal