The Seahorse Trust was set up in 1999 as an umbrella organisation to preserve and conserve the natural world, especially the marine environment using Seahorses as our flagship species. We work in partnership through a Seahorse Alliance with many organisations and people from all over the world and it is this unique partnership that allows us to achieve so much in the conservation of seahorses and their environment for the future.
Tel: 07876513628
The Seahorse Trust (registered Charity no. 1086027)
36 Greatwood Terrace (registered office)
Devon EX3 0EB
© 2025 The Seahorse Trust.
Using the Map
You can browse the map by dragging it around, and zooming in. Alternatively you can search for a location by entering text in the search box labelled ‘Type here…’ and clicking on one of the matches that appears in the list below the text box as you type. The map will then change to the location you selected.