
The Seahorse Trust News

E-bay charity of the week

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The Seahorse Trust has been nominated as charity of the week on E-bay in the week starting the 18th of April. You can help to raise funds for the trust by nominating us as your charity if you are buying or selling on E-bay.
We are already an E-bay charity and so you can donate to us whilst buying or selling at anytime but it is a great honour to be nominated as their charity for the week.
Please encourage all your friends and familly that use E-bay to donate to us in the week starting the 18th of April the more they buy and sell the more we can raise. At the checkout nominate us as your charity for your donation.
The more we raise the more we can do in saving and studying Seahorses.

First E-bayer raises funds for The Seahorse trust

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Fantastic news we have had our first E-bayer raising money for The Seahorse Trust. Maria Forbes is a great supporter of the trust and has nominated us as her charity for the year. Maria is also happy to sell stuff for other people on e-bay to raise funds for us. If you contact us on our info@localhost address i can put you in touch with Maria if you have anything to sell to help the trust.
Even as a buyer on E-bay you can make a donation to the trust just nominate us when you go to checkout and E.bay will sort it out from there, its that simple.
A massive thank you to Maria for her kindness in supporting the trust without people like her we would not be able to do the work that we do in protecting seahorses.
The more we can raise the more we can do.
Thank you.

Supporting the Seahorse Trust

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Like many small charities The Seahorse Trust is reliant on the kind donations, adoptions and gift aid of its supporters. To keep our amazing work going we need your help. you can either adopt a seahorse, send a donation, become a member, nominate the trust as your charity on E-bay, donate by the Big Give, leave a legacy; in fact there are so many ways to support us.

Without the trust and its amazing hard working volunteers we would never have got the 2 British Seahorses protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act, we wouldnt know much about them in the wild around the British Isles. we wouldnt be able to advise research projects around the world. Through our work we advise governments around the world and feed into the structure that is forming the Marine Protecetd Areas here in the uK. With your help our work makes a difference.

If you love Seahorse and the environment then please support us, just £4 a month will make a huge difference to us so that we can help them and ensure a better future for generations to come, please dig deep, it is  a small amount to invest in the future

E-bay for charities

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We are now an official charity on the e-bay site which is fantastic news. You can now donate via e-bay by clicking the ‘My Favourite Charities’ on the e-bay page and select The Seahorse Trust. It’s quick and easy and will help the conservation and research work of the trust; the more we can raise the more we can do.

Warm welcome to Mark Carwardine as patron of the trust

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We are pleased to announce that Mark Carwardine, the world renown zoologist, naturalist, author, broadcaster, photographer and conservationist has kindly agreed to become a patron of The Seahorse Trust.

Marks passion for the environment has been seen many times on theTelevision and through his superb photographs, he has documented some of natures wonders and as an author of some 50 books he has inspired so many of us to be aware of the natural world and what is happening to it.

His passion for the problems facing the world inspire many of us to get out there and do something about it even if it is just have a conversation, the more people are aware of the problems the world is facing the more we can do and Mark thorugh his work has been an amazing catalyst for just that.

Rio Negro, Amazon Basin, Brazil

Rio Negro, Amazon Basin, Brazil

Please vote on the BORG website

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Dear all,

there is a new group of boat owners set up called the BORG who have a website (link below) where you can vote to ban anchoring and mooring at Studland Bay. Please cut and paste the link into your browser.

The moorings and anchoring at Studland are degradating the seagrass meadow at Studland Bay which means that when it is gone there will be no home for these amazing animals and it will be another little bit of the wild gone forever.

The Seahorse Trust strongly feels that environmentally friendly moorings should be put into Studland and get everyone to use these rather than mooring on conventiental moorings, this way the damage is stopped and everyone can still use this site. It is the best solution under the circumstances. If you feel as strongly as we do about this site then please vote to ban conventional mooring on the site.

Dont forget you can also have your say on the MCS website on the Your Sea you Voice page where you can vote for Studland to become protceted. It is only by people power can we cahnge these harmful practises.


Happy New Year from all at The Seahorse Trust.

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As we go into 2011 we are looking to get started again on our tagging project at Studland; the weather is holding us up at the moment.
Like all projects we need to raise much needed funds for this vital work so if you would like to make a donation have a look at the Support Us page on this website site or visit The Big Give where you can look at our work and make an online donation to the project.


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On Thursday the 9th of December we recorded an article for Radio 4’s Open Country which is to be aired on Saturday the 18th of December at 6.07am and to be repeated Thursday the 23rd at 3pm.

Trust Director Neil and volunteer diver Beccy from the trust and Dr Ken Collins from Southampton University were interviewed about the work of the trust, the problems with the seagrass at Studland and the forthcoming protection of South Beach at Studland Bay in Dorset. Also interviewed were Nick Warner and Mike Potterton  local residents for their views.

The programme will be putting forward the mixed views on the site and the need for the site to become protected from overuse by anchors and the mooring bouys. The trust has been advocating the use of environmentally friendly moorings so that this site can still be used by boat owners but will not suffer the damage that is occuring at the moment. Dr Collins recently published a paper on the damage at Studland which clearly shows this fragile site is degrading and cannot take the amount of use it recieves at the moment.

Claderglen Zoo Donation

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We would like to say a massive thank you to the staff and visitors of Claderglen Zoo for their kind donation of £400 towards the work of the British Seahorse Survey. They have been collecting for your work for some time now and have raised £400 which will be a great help towards the work and the equipment we need for the survey.