
The Seahorse Trust News

Kerstain Laibach eco friendly jewelry donates to our research work

By | The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

The eco friendly jewelry designer Kerstain Laibach has kindly nominated The Seahorse Trust to be one of her charities to make donations to from sales of her environmentally friendly work.

Kerstain has a sustainable approach to her jewelry making and produces ‘Luxury with a clear conscience, goldsmith Kerstin Laibach’s founding principle  seamlessly introduces a genuine environmental ethos into contemporary and classical jewelry design’

Kerstain has kindly offered to donate proceedings from some of her jewelry designs to conservation projects run by the trust especially the Studland Seahorse Tagging Project.

Check out Kerstains website for a wide range of ethically made Jewelry and help to fund the work of The Seahorse Trust at the same time.

MMO bans flash photography under license

By | The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

The Seahorse Trust has achieved another result in the further protection of Seahorses in the wild with our recommendations being used to ban flash photography under license in the wild.

The Marine Management Organisation who issue licenses allowing diving with seahorses (a protected species under the Wildlife and Countrside Act) has stated that ‘Due to advice received during wildlife licence consultations in relation to the potential impact of flash photography on seahorses, we are no longer issuing licences which permit flash photography. This is on a precautionary basis while we develop our evidence base on potential impacts.’

Seahorses have very sensitive eyes that can see in full colour in very low light levels and the sudden burst of flash into their eyes repeatedly can cause them a great deal of stress which in turn can cause death due to the latent diseases held in their body. Under normal conditions these diseases cause the Seahorses no problems but stress in the cases of flash have been known to kill Seahorses and that is why flash is banned in most aquariums in the world and on other research projects in the wild around the world.

This is an amazing achievement that will help to ensure the future of Seahorses in the wild and is another step in the long process of getting the Wildlife and Countryside Act enforced. The Seahorses have been officially protected since the 6th of April 2008 under the act as a result of the hard work of volunteers of The Seahorse Trust but up to now this protection hasnt been enforced so it is fantatsic to see this going one step further.

Second Seahorse fry in English waters

By | The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

On Friday the second of September a second Spiny Seahorse fry was found by fishermen 4 miles out from East Preston in West Sussex.
Graham Andrews and long term friend Tim who owns the fishing boat Charlie Girl got the surprise of their fishing life’s when they reeled their lines in to clear snagged Thong weed and found a 5cm long Spiny Seahorse curled up tightly on the weight at the end of their line. The diminutive Seahorse; the second only fry found in England seemed a little shocked by its ordeal but fisherman Graham had the presence of mind to take a number of pictures and then return the baby seahorse back into the water, who would have drifted back down to the depths to hide amongst the weed again, hoping not to be found.
Trust experts think that the tiny baby; known as a fry was a female, although at her age which would be about 8 weeks she is not sexually mature which happens at about 6 months.
Graham contacted The Seahorse Trust who run the British Seahorse Survey and reported his amazing find so it could be added to the National Seahorse Database run by the trust.
Without fishermen, divers and others submitting sightings to the database the trust would not be able to protect seahorses in the wild here in England and Wales. By volunteers and others submitting their sightings The Seahorse Trust had both British Seahorses added to the Wildlife and Countryside Act where they have the same protection as Otters, great crested Newts and water Voles.
Here at the trust we are grateful to Graham, Tim and others who have helped us to make such a difference.

E415d H_guttulatus Graham Andrews

BBC programme “Autumn Watch”

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We have been recently featured on the BBC programme “Autum Watch”. Programmes like this really lift the profile of the Seahorse Trust and it also gives us a real opportunity to be involved with many other marine biologists and conservationists like Nick Baker, Kate Humble and Simon King. Their knowledge is inspirational and they have the ability to get their message into millions of homes which can help highlight conservation groups in the UK like us.

Seahorse fry (baby) at Studland

By | Studland Bay, The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

On Saturday the 28th of August Seahorse Trust divers found the smallest Seahorse on the site since the survey started.

The female Spiny Seahorse who is only about 2 months old would have been born in June of this year and it is fantastic news.  Over the years of the survey we have found adults, including pregnant males and juveniles and we knew they were giving birth on the site but we always wondered where the babies (fry ) went to and know we know they remain on the site but are very difficult to see. Despite the awful weather on Saturday (1 metre visibilty) this pretty ,small Seahorse was seen clinging to a piece of seagrass. The trust researchers managed to take measurements and some photographs before it set sail deeper into the seagrass bed,

At this age the fry will be looking for the best areas to feed and set up their territories and subject to no other Seahorse being in residence they will set up home and hold this territory until the first of the storms come in the Autumn when they move into deeper safer waters.

Out of the 3 to 5 hundred fry born to each male every month less than 2 or 3 will survive to adulthood due to predation by all sorts of fish species. Seahorse fry are a nice bite sized piece of food for them. In turn Seahorse fry eat a staggering 3,000 plus pieces of plankton every 24 hours.

resized E392b H_guttulatus NGM

The 4cm fry being measured on the seagrass.

resized E392i H_guttulatus NGM

Countryfile at Studland Bay

By | Studland Bay, The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

On Tuesday the 10th of August Countryfile came down to our study site at Studland to film the work we are doing with tagging the Seahorses. Trust director Neil trained Ellie prior to the dive to be able to hold the Seahorses without stressing them so that he could photograph the profile pictures of each of the Seahorses so that it could be added to the database. The data being gathered about this unique colony of Seahorses is allowing the trust to help put the information into management plans for Studland Bay in Dorset and the other Seahorses around the British Isles.

The tagging work is done under very strict conditions as part of the Trusts license and anyone wanting to work with Seahorses in the wild in England need to have a license to film (or photograph) or work with them.


Ellie holding one of the Spiny Seahorses ready to have its profile picture taken


Ellie talking to the camera explaining about the work of the trust


The film crew working in the pouring rain and wind

The Countryfile programme is to be aired on Sunday 22nd of August 2010 on BBC One.

Blue Seahorse Creative Design Solutions

By | The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

Karen Carruthers has set up a fantastic new design company called Blue Seahorse. Karen has been inspired by these fantastic creatures for many years and decided to name her new company after them.

She has a superb Blue Seahorse Logo based on the Spiny Seahorse found here in the UK and particularly at our study site in Studland in Dorset.

For any design needs check out Karens website which will be up and running in 2 weeks

Isle of Purbeck Aquariums kind donation

By | The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

The Isle of Purbeck Aquarium in Wool in Dorset run by Tim and Barbara have kindly sent the trust a donation of £70 collected from their visitors and customers.

They have a small dedicated room showing various fish species from the region and also have a tank of captive bred Seahorses to educate the public about these amazing creatures. You can also see tanks of fish fry where Tim and Barb are doing a series of captive breeding projects.

Tim and Barbara have been very supportive and are great friends of the trust and it’s work for many years and we would like to thank them for their continued support of our work.


East Dorset Open water Swimming Club Annual Seahorse Challenge Swim Race

By | The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

East Dorset Open Water Swimming Club held its second annual Seahorse Challenge Open Water Swimming Race at Knowle Beach, Studland, Dorset on Sunday 26th. June. This annual event held under British Long Distance Swimming Association rules and over a 3.8kms course is called the Seahorse Challenge race after the breeding colony which exists in the area. The club is very keen to encourage the study and preservation of this magnificent creature and to support the activities of the Seahorse Trust.

This year’s race provided challenging weather conditions for both swimmers and organisers as the beach and sea was shrouded in fog with visibility no more than 200 metres at times. However with a revised course, a very successful swim took place with 120 swimmers from all over the country taking part.

The winners of each race category (men’s wetsuit and non-wetsuit, ladies wetsuit and non-wetsuit) received a magnificent watercolour of a seahorse painted by renowned local artist Heather Brown.

The club is grateful to the RLSS Poole and RLSS Bransksome Lifeguards, the National Trust, St John’s Ambulance and to all its volunteers for their support as without their commitment the event could not have taken place.

Bob Holman
Chairman: East Dorset Open Water Swimming Club
The Seahorse Trust is hugely grateful to Bob and the club for raising £150 towards our work at Studland; with their and others kind donations we can go on working towards the protection of the site and the most important colony of Spiny Seahorses here in the UK if not the whole of Eurpoe.
