
The Seahorse Trust News

Lucky seahorses at Studland

By | Studland Bay, The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

A seahorse was found at Knoll Beach in Studland, Dorset last week by a young lad. The lucky seahorse was thought to be dead but was put into a jar and it ‘recovered’. After a short while they had the great idea to put it back in the water and it swam off happily. Great to hear to hear they are coming back. We have been diving the site for months now and slowly the temperature has risen, which is always the trigger for the seahorses to come back to shallower water.
Fantatsic news that this lucky seahorse was found by this quick thinking chap and especially as she had been run over by a bicycle before he picked her up.

Check out the National trust website to see her

E423 H.guttulatus Kevin Rideout

Save our Seahorses (Malaysia)

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Please find the 2010-2011 report from our colleagues at Save our Seahorses in Malaysia. they are doing some amazing work and if you want to know more please have a look at their website which is

Around the world there are a number of small organisations doing incredible work, without them the natural world would be doomed, so please dig deep and try and support us all, without you we cannot help them.

SOS Malaysia report

Kjetil Svendson does a youtube film about Studland Bay

By | Studland Bay, The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

Have a look at Kjetil Svendson’s Youtube clip about Studland Bay and the problems there. He also shows the simple solution of what can be done such as installing environmentally friendly moorings (EFM’s).

Marine Management Organisation have offered in their last meeting to pay for and install 50 EFM moorings, so fingers crossed this will be done before the new season.

The Seahorse Trust warmly welcomes Ellie and Monty as patrons

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The Seahorse Trust is incredibly lucky to be supported by a wide range of people from all walks of life and our patrons are very special to us. From a variety of differing backgrounds they support the work we do and we would like to welcome Ellie Harrison and Monty Halls onboard as our newest patons.

Both Ellie and Monty have amazing widlife backgrounds and both are fascinated by the natural world, especially the marine world. In their different ways they have promoted the marine environment and the problems and amazing diversity in it.

We look forward to working with them both over the years and we would like to say a massive thank you to them both for their support of the trust and the work it does.


Ellie Harrison

Monty Halls

Monty Halls

Floy Tags donate tags for research

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In our research work at Studland Bay in Dorset, here in England, we use small tags made by Floy Tags based in Seattle, Washington in America, so that we can identify our individual seahorses. These tags are each inidvidually numbered and this has allowed us to make so many discoveries about these amazing fish, especially about their movements, throughout the year and who they pair with.

Floy Tags have now made a very kind donation to our work, by supplying us with 300 individually numbered tags, so that we can continue with this work. We will be using the tags mainly on our site at Studland and in our forthcoming project in Malta, where trust volunteers Beccy and Jonny are setting up a similar project where eco-tourist volunteers will have the opportunity to take part in this unusal project. Check out our Malta project page under research for updates.

We would like to thank Floy Tags so much for their kind donation.

As you can see in the picture below the tags help us in identifying seahorses; we have done a great deal of research over the years and we know that these tags do not affect the seahorses. When we are not reading the tags they sit under the neck of the seahorses and cannot be seen.

Seasalt 2

Pentax donate an underwater camera for our research

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Pentax UK has kindly donated a WG-O1 camera with built in gps and underwater facilties for our research work. This amazing camera can go down to 10 metres and takes pictures in, low light levels, ideal for taking pictures of seahorses without a flash; which was banned following recommenadtions by The Seahorse Trust in 2010.

Photographs are vital to our work, so that we can identify individuals and the habitat they live in and the WG-O1 will be a superb tool to allow us to understand more about the secretive lives of Seahorses.

As we go into the next season of research dives we will post pictures of seahorses taken with this camera in our reports and on the website.

Thank you so much to Pentax for this kind donation.

GAC logistics donates to the trust

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GAC Logistics is the largest independant global, shipping, logistics and marine company in the world and have kindly made a donation for the research work at Studland Bay.

GAC are responsible for helping to ship captive bred seahorses and other fish species around the world to the different research and captive breeding projects that are looking into saving the marine species of the world. Without this care and attention we could not do so much work to understand the needs of fragile species.

As well as their conservation logistics they also have a dedicated team for humanitarian aid, which supports the work of the United Nations World Food Programme bringing aid where ever it is needed throughout the world. This huge company spans the world and through its humanitarian and conservation work is making a huge difference to the human and environmental world.

GAC want to develop long term links with the trust and we hope to develop relations with them much further as time and our projects develop.

We would like to offer our thanks to GAC and particularly Peter Smith Fish Manager from London GAC for this kind donation which will directly help the work at Studland.

The World Conservation and Wildlife Trust charity dinner

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We would like to invite you to support our colleagues at the World Conservation and Wildlife Trust in their chairty dinner which is to be held at the Gem Restaurant in Islington in London on Thursday the 28th of June at 8pm.

The dinner will be in aid of the WCWT’s oceanic conservation campaign which supports vital conservation for the worlds marine life.

It is a minimum donation of £30 and the evening will include delicious food prepared by the Turkish cooks at the Gem restaurant, live music and a charity auction.

For more details contact Robin Johnson (founder and director of WCWT on 07403116332 or on

Donations and fund raising

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Dear all, we could do with your help please.

Like a lot of small charities we are being squeezed by the economic situation. In 2012 we have lots of work and projects planned such as continuing our work at Studland, a new seahorse survey for Torbay and our project with Beccy and Jonny in Malta (check out the Malta page under Research), plus many others and we can only do this with help. So if your planning any fund raising events, want to make a donation to our work and can spread the word and can get more people to join our facebook group or become members of the trust or adopt one of the seahorses then we need help.

We need more corporate sponsors so if you know of any companies that would like to make a donation to the work please let them know about us. It costs £45,000 to run the trust each year and if we had more we could do so much more (there is so much to do), so if we could find 45 businesses that could donate £1,000 per annum or 90 that could donate £500 that would cover our basic work and remember that there are tax benefits for donatng to charities as businesses or individuals.

Lets make 2012 a year to remember in seahorse terms, without all of you we could not have done so much to protect these amazing creatures so pester your local businesses and get them to donate now.

The trust is very lucky to have such a fantastic team of volunteers setting up and doing projects and fund raising events, we could not do what we do without them, so a massive thank you to one and all.

Thank you. Neil (Director)

Happy Christmas and a fantastic New Year

By | The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

Have a brilliant Christmas and a very good prosperous New Year and thank you from all here at The Seahorse Trust.

Don’t forget if you are  planning any fund raising events or just want to make a donation to our work, drop us a line and let us know, we can help to publicise your event here on the site or on our Facebook page. The more we can raise the more we can do for these incredible amazing creatures and the fragile habitat they live in, they are in severe danger in the wild and we need to do something now, not in the future when it is too late.

There are lots of ways to make donations or to get your supporters to make a donation to us, so check out the website and see how you can make a big difference. Click on any of the links at the bottom of each page to make an electronic donation such as by Virgin Giving or The Big Give or if you are an e-bayer you can choose us as your nominated charity.

Thank you

Happy Christmas


Trust Director

Spiny SH and volunteer Christmas