
The Seahorse Trust News

National Biodiversity Network

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The National Seahorse Database is now listed on the Joint Nature Conservancy Councils (JNCC) National Biodiversity Database as a contributing Organisation.

The Seahorse Trust runs The British Seahorse Survey and runs The National Seahorse Database.

You can see our listing and learn more about the NBN on


Online petition

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Dear all,

check out our website and online petition (under conservation on this site). With our partners in the Save Our Seahorses campaign; we have launched an invite to the people of China to help us sort out the traditional medicine trade.
We are aiming to gather 1 million signatures by the end of 2013, please sign up and send it off to all your social media connections, we need this to go viral with this, so send it far and wide.
Have a look on the Eden Channel tonight (Thursday the 24th of August) for Kealan’s Seahorseman documentary, I am sure you will not hesitate to be shocked by the extent of this trade !!
I strongly feel that we cannot keep telling the the people of the East what to do, so we have opted for this invitation to join forces to make a difference. It will work but we need the global community to sign up to it, so please please send it far and wide and help jus to hit the one million signature mark.


Dried seahorses for sale in China, during the Olympics

KD 5

The Seahorseman nominated for film award

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Great news ‘The Seahorseman’ a documentary about the traditional medicine trade has been nominated for an award at the Malaysian Film Festival
The documentary features Kealan from Save Our Seahorses and The Seahorse Trust narrated by actor John Hurt and is due to be aired on the 24th of August on the Eden Channel and was filmed and produced by Gillian Marsh from GMTV.
Kealan is filmed as he goes undercover in China, fully exposing the traditional medicine trade which is considerably worse than we thought, using up to 150 million seahorses per year.
Together we are about to launch a campaign called Save Our Seahorses, inviting the people of China to help us to sort this problem out.
The campaign will be run by the Seahorse Alliance; a group of organisations and individuals commited to the preservation of the seahorse.
An 8 minute version of this documentary is currently being shown on 93% of internal flights in China and was kindly put together by our Friends at Widlaid. the documentary can be seen on You Tube on

The Seahorse Trust Intern Position

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The Seahorse Trust is based in East Devon and is in a position to offer an unpaid internship for the right motivated person. The Seahorse Trust is the leading Seahorse based charity in the world and has projects in the UK, Cambodia, and Malta, and advises projects all over the world. The Seahorse Trust also advises governments, NGO’s, organisations and individuals on seahorse and conservation-related work.

The Trust runs the British Seahorse Survey which was set up in 1994 and it also runs the National Seahorse Database.

The Seahorse Trust was set up 2000 to continue the work of the Trusts founder who has worked with seahorses for 30 years and is a not for profit charitable organisation.

For more information go to

The Post

This exciting opportunity would appeal to newly graduated students from the following degree courses, or possibly anybody with the right interests and proven conservation and environmental experience:

  • Conservation Biology
  • Wildlife Conservation Management
  • Marine Conservation

Most graduates and interested persons struggle to gain successful employment in their area of expertise due to competition for the available positions, so an opportunity to undertake volunteering through an unpaid voluntary internship will allow them to gain practical conservation skills.

The Seahorse Trust is ideally placed to provide this type of CV enhancing experience through its diverse range of projects and experiences.

Potential Tasks to be undertaken by an Intern

  • Maintenance of the British Seahorse Survey Database.
  • Evaluating data collected and collated.
  • Maintenance and promotion of the adoptions programme.
  • Completion of funding applications.
  • Running the Seahorse Trust Social Media channels.
  • Helping to maintain the Seahorse Displays at Escot.
  • Leading teams of volunteers to carry out stakeholder engagement, habitat assessments.
  • Working with our partner projects in (via the internet) Ireland, Cambodia, Malta and Malaysia, and other parts of the world.
  • Website development.
  • Public Relations planning and implementation.
  • Schools Outreach Programmes.
  • Public Talks.

Not all posts would need to be physically located at Escot (but this would definitely be a preference) as many of the tasks could be carried out remotely, for instance managing the online presence of the Trust, completion of funding applications, school outreach and public talks, etc.

Period of internship

8 to 12 weeks (to be discussed)

Skills required and/or preferred

  • IT skills, especially Excel, Word and Power Point
  • Proven interest in conservation
  • Analytical skills
  • Preferably knowledge of seahorses but this is not compulsory
  • Being adaptable to changing conditions and circumstances
  • Being self motivated and able to work unsupervised


Please send a full CV to info@localhost

  • Closing deadline 12th September 2012
  • Start date 8th October 2012

Seahorse cushions for sale in aid of the trust

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Dear all, it never ceases to amaze us here at the trust as to how kind people are when it comes to nature conservation and the latest example of this is from Carly Ralph from Etsy who has kindly offered to donate 100% from the sale of her Seahorse cushions.
Carly saw the article in the Mail Online and the YOUTube video and decided to do something positive for the seahorses so has made this really kind offer.
You can look at and buy her cushions on and I would like to thank her on behalf of the trust and especially the seahorses.

SH cushion

Mail online

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The Mail online ran an article today about the Traditional Medicine Trade, which takes in excess of 150 million seahorses from the wild every year. This is not sustainable and something needs to be done to stop this.

The Mail online has 90 million subscribers worldwide, the biggest in the world, so it was great coverage

We are putting together a campaign website with Save Our Seahorses in Ireland and hope you will all sign up to our online petition

Seahorse film and the Traditional Medicine Trade

By | The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

Dear all,

please have a look at this 8 minute film about seahorses and the traditional medicine trade. This film has been cut together from an hour long documentary called The Seahorseman which is to be shown on the 24th of August on the Eden Channel. The Seahorseman was put together by Gillian Marsh TV in Ireland who have been following our friend Kealan Doyle from Seahorses Aquariums for many years and this is the latest of many documentaries about him, The Seahorse Trust and our parnership.

This short but very informative film was put together with our thanks by Widlaid using GMTV’s footage and is being seen on 93% of internal flights in China, to help educate about the problems of the medicine trade and its devastating affect on seahorses in the wild. It is hoped that the sort of up and coming young Chinese who use these flights will help to change the use of Seahorses and other species in this trade which is not sustainable.

With our partners at Save Our Seahorses, the SEALIFE Centres and others we are putting together a Seahorse Alliance made up of many groups, organisations and individuals to make a difference. A dedictaed website is being put together at the moment and you will have your chance to have your voice heard by siging a petition against this use of seahorses and others species in the TCM trade.

Please support us to help them

Thank you

Short Snouted Seahorses have luxury travel

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A conservation partnership between The Seahorse Trust and London Zoological Society was given luxury travel last week. The Seahorse Trust was given some Short Snouted Seahorses (Hippocampus hippocampus) from London Zoo as part of a long term breeding project but the cost of transporting the Seahorses from London to Devon was just too much to find, so Pete smith from GAC Logistics kindly stepped in and transported the seahorses in his car from London to the trust in Devon. This amazing gesture meant that the seahorses arrived in style and comfort. We would like to offer our thanks to London Zoo for the seahorses but especially GAC and Pete Smith for kindly stepping in to bring them to us. We hope now that they arrived nice and relaxed the seahorses will get around to the serious business of breeding to secure a population in captivity.


Pete with his precious cargo as it is opened in Devon


A Shout Snouted Seahorse settled in its tank

Dive charter Jennifer Ann supports the trust

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Dive Charter skipper Rick Parker has kindly offered to help the trust by organizing dives in aid of The Seahorse Trust. Rick has kindly offered to donate a percentage of the dive fee to the work of the trust.

If you want to organise a dive in aid of the trust get in touch with Rick on and don’t forget to say it is in aid of the trust. We would like to say thank you to Rick for his kindness, this year is a very difficult time for dive charters due to the economy and weather which makes this offer doubly kind.