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Divers at Studland Bay in Dorset.

By | Studland Bay, The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

We have been very busy this season diving on the study site at South Beach in Studland Bay in Dorset. With a large team of volunteers, we have now been diving several times a week  for a  few months and finding and tagging seahorses on most of the dives.

Strangely the seagrass bed has been covered with a thick layer of hair algae this year for several weeks which has led to some very strange positions for divers underwater as they have been upside down looking under the weed and finding the Seahorses.

We have a large number of dives planned for the summer and we kindly ask the boating community to look out for our dive flags which show clearly where the divers are. Earlier this season we had a few boat owners being silly with the divers in the water which without quick action by the divers could have been very dangerous indeed, possibly leading to serious injury or even death.

Chris Packham. Truth about Wildlife

By | The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

Chris Packham’s new series Truth about Wildlife is shown on BBC on the 6th of June at 7.30.

Check out the trailer for this programme that sheds light on the UK’s poor record on marine wildlife protection.

Despite The Seahorse Trust getting both British seahorses protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act in 2008, nothing has been done to protect them and the disturbance and destruction of their habitat is still allowed to go on.

chris p 1b

Marine Management Zone meeting

By | The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

The Seahorse Trust attended the second Marine Management Organisation’s meeting about the future of Studland Bay in Dorset on Thursday the 14th of April. It was a lively meeting at times but it looks as though Studland is going to become a Marine Protected Zone over the next 2 years due to campaiging by Seahorse Trust supporters and others.
Even the boating community is beginning to accept that the site needs protecting and we all need to work together to keep the pressure up for this to happen and for all of us to work together to ensure the future of this amazing site.
Studland is a fascinating site with seagrass, Seahorses (both species), Undulate Rays and a host of other offically protected species on but due to overuse and the destruction caused by up to 350 boats per day in the summer it is being destoyed.
Despite the legal protection the various species have it is still being destroyed and the Marine Protected Zone status will help to ensure that this site stands a chance of surviving.

Chris Packham

By | The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

ON Monday the 4th we filmed with trust patron Chris Packham for his forthcoming series on conservation here in the UK which is to be shown on BBC.

It was a long hectic day and very tiring but we hopefully got all the footage that was needed. Sadly no Seahorses on the day but Chris and his team are gogin to use stock footage taken at Studland by reknowned underwater videographer Doug Anderson.

We would like to say a big thanks to Chris and all our patrons for their incredible support of the work of the Trust from Chris’s filming to Mark Carwardines recent piece in the April issue of BBC Wildlife magazine to the current issue of Radio Times where Kate Humble nominates the Spiny Seahorse as her iconic species for the British Isles in the forthcoming series (link below)

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Donation by The James Gibson Charitable Trust

By | The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

We have kindly been donated £5,000 by the James Gibson Charitable Trust which I would like to offer my sincere thanks for from myself and on behalf of our trustees and patrons. Without kind donations such as this we would not be able to do the work that we do in protecting and researching seahorses. If you feel you can add towards this kind donation please let us know and dont forget that from the 18th of April for a week we are E-bays charity of the week so spread the word and get everyone yo know to nominate us as their charity on Ebay.
Many thanks to all at the James Gibson Charitable Trust for their kindness.

Article in Aprils to BBC Wildlife Magazine

By | The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

Trust patron Mark Carwardine has kindly done an article in Aprils edition of BBC Wildlife magazine about the plight of Seahorses; especially at Studland Bay in Dorset where he quite rightly says the simple solution to the problem is putting in Eco-moorings. By doing this it means that the boats do not anchor in the seagrass and in turn do not destory this very fragile habitat which is home to our most enigmatic species of Seahorse.

The site is under ever increasing pressure despite both British species of Seahorse being protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act in 2008. This protection means it is illegal to destroy the seahorses place of shelter; yet despite this protection hundreds of boats still anchor into the seagrass every day during the summer.

The seahorses were protected due to the hard work of hundreds of volunteers gathering data for the trust which we then collated and presented to the authorities. It took six years to get the protection put into place and now the hard work has started to get this protection implemented.

Many thanks to Mark and all our patrons and trustees for their hard work.

Spiny Seahorse (copyright The Seahorse Trust)


E-bay charity of the week

By | The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

The Seahorse Trust has been nominated as charity of the week on E-bay in the week starting the 18th of April. You can help to raise funds for the trust by nominating us as your charity if you are buying or selling on E-bay.
We are already an E-bay charity and so you can donate to us whilst buying or selling at anytime but it is a great honour to be nominated as their charity for the week.
Please encourage all your friends and familly that use E-bay to donate to us in the week starting the 18th of April the more they buy and sell the more we can raise. At the checkout nominate us as your charity for your donation.
The more we raise the more we can do in saving and studying Seahorses.

First E-bayer raises funds for The Seahorse trust

By | The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

Fantastic news we have had our first E-bayer raising money for The Seahorse Trust. Maria Forbes is a great supporter of the trust and has nominated us as her charity for the year. Maria is also happy to sell stuff for other people on e-bay to raise funds for us. If you contact us on our info@localhost address i can put you in touch with Maria if you have anything to sell to help the trust.
Even as a buyer on E-bay you can make a donation to the trust just nominate us when you go to checkout and E.bay will sort it out from there, its that simple.
A massive thank you to Maria for her kindness in supporting the trust without people like her we would not be able to do the work that we do in protecting seahorses.
The more we can raise the more we can do.
Thank you.

Supporting the Seahorse Trust

By | The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

Like many small charities The Seahorse Trust is reliant on the kind donations, adoptions and gift aid of its supporters. To keep our amazing work going we need your help. you can either adopt a seahorse, send a donation, become a member, nominate the trust as your charity on E-bay, donate by the Big Give, leave a legacy; in fact there are so many ways to support us.

Without the trust and its amazing hard working volunteers we would never have got the 2 British Seahorses protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act, we wouldnt know much about them in the wild around the British Isles. we wouldnt be able to advise research projects around the world. Through our work we advise governments around the world and feed into the structure that is forming the Marine Protecetd Areas here in the uK. With your help our work makes a difference.

If you love Seahorse and the environment then please support us, just £4 a month will make a huge difference to us so that we can help them and ensure a better future for generations to come, please dig deep, it is  a small amount to invest in the future

E-bay for charities

By | The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

We are now an official charity on the e-bay site which is fantastic news. You can now donate via e-bay by clicking the ‘My Favourite Charities’ on the e-bay page and select The Seahorse Trust. It’s quick and easy and will help the conservation and research work of the trust; the more we can raise the more we can do.