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The Seahorse trust on radio 4’s Saving Species Programme

By | The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

The Seahorses Trust was on Saving Species on Radio on Tuesday the 8th and repeated on Thursday the 10th of November where we were talking about the tagging project at Studland Bay in Dorset and about seahorses in general. There has been fantastic feedback from the public about the article including lots of boating organisations that want to know how they can alleviate the problems that anchors are causing in the sea.

On the same programme reporter Helen Scales did a report on tagging seahorses in Tampa Bay Florida. Leslee and her team in Florida are using a different form of tagging for the diminutive Dwarf Seahorses which are only 5cm

Both sites, the one in Florida and the Studland bay face the same sort of problems with boat anchors eroding the site but in Florida they have the additional problem of farm run offs and pollution.

We are seeing the same problems occurring around the world in the shallow seagrass beds and the only way it can be sorted is by working together and putting in measures to protect the seas for the future.

The Saving Species programme can be found on the BBC I-player.

MMO working group

By | The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

The Seahorse Trust has been invited to join a group set up by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) to work with a group of people and organisations looking at the best way to protect seahorses in the wild here in the UK. Unfortunately most of the areas that seahorses are found in are also the ones most used by mankind; so it puts untold pressure on them.
The work the trust has been doing at Studland and our success in getting both species protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) has helped to persuade the MMO that there is a need to have this important working group to address the problems facing Seahorses in the wild.

Your Seas Your Voice vote for Studland before the 31st of October

By | Studland Bay, The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

The yours Sea Your Voice vote run by the marine Conservation Society is coming to an end for England on the 31st of october, so say have your say now. Get your family and friends to vote for your favourite site and don’t forget that Studland bay is one of the most important sites for Spiny Seahorses here in the Uk if not Eurpoe and without protection will be destoyed forever.

Go onto the link below and have your say

Amys Lands end to John O’Groats cycle ride

By | The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments


I am raising money for The Seahorse Trust who champion the protection of Seahorses within the UK.

On 20th August 2011 I set off from John o’Groats with an old university friend. Together over the next 11 1/2 days we traversed the country covering 1000.9 miles to achieve our goal! At 5pm on 31st August we reached our destination – Lands End.

It was hard, there were lots of hills, I wasn’t a particularly experienced cyclist and quite frankly felt a bit mad cycling down the country.

The Seahorse Trust is a small charity that works exceptionally hard with the small amount of resources they have to raise awareness of Seahorses.

If hearing about my journey has inspired you or if you know me and are just surprised I made (in one piece!) then please feel free to make a donation towards this worthy cause.

I really appreciate all your support and thank you for any donations and you can donate via Virgin Giving at the following link.

Amy x

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Charlotte cycles to rasie funds for the trust using Virgin Giving

By | The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

Seahorse Trust trustee Charlotte and a few friends will be cycling coast to coast from Ilfracombe to Plymouth on the weekend of the 29th/30th October; a 105 mile cycle overall to raise funds for The Seahorse Trust and you can support her through Virgin Giving, the more she gets the more the trust can do.

Visit the link below to find out how you can sponosr Charlotte to do this gruelling cycle ride and don’t forget to Gift Aid it. If your a UK tax payer we can claim 25p for every pound you donate which is a huge boost to us.

The Seahorse Trust is a charitable organisation which carries out research and marine conservation into Seahorses and the environment worldwide.

It would be fantatic if you could sponsor Charlotte and her group to do this event to raise as much money as they can for the Trust so it can continue its work with seahorses both around the UK and worldwide.

Remember if you want to do an event to raise funds for the trust to do its work then sign up to Virgin Giving, its the easiest and safest way to get sponsors for an event.

Charlotte cycle

Fantastic dive for trust volunteer Shane Benzie

By | The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

Trust divers had an amazing dive yesterday on our study site at Studland Bay in Dorset, not just one but two female Spiny Seahorses. Trust volunteer surveyors have not found seahorses for several dives now so to find these 2 females is fantastic and surprising news. 2011 has been a very quiet year for seahorses at Studland because of the unusual weather patterns that have not produced the food for the seahorses. Volunteer Shane found both of the seahorses which was such a surprise for him as they are his first seahorses in the wild. Although he has put in many hours of diving and turned up week after week he had not been successful but yesterday he found both of the seahorses and the look on his face said it all. Volunteers like Shane, Eva, John, Dan, Paul and all the others have made a big difference to our knowledge of seahorses in the wild and we offer a great vote of thanks to all off them including Beccy and Jonny who have taken their survey skills to Madagascar this summer and will be back with the trust soon.

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Kerstain Laibach eco friendly jewelry donates to our research work

By | The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

The eco friendly jewelry designer Kerstain Laibach has kindly nominated The Seahorse Trust to be one of her charities to make donations to from sales of her environmentally friendly work.

Kerstain has a sustainable approach to her jewelry making and produces ‘Luxury with a clear conscience, goldsmith Kerstin Laibach’s founding principle  seamlessly introduces a genuine environmental ethos into contemporary and classical jewelry design’

Kerstain has kindly offered to donate proceedings from some of her jewelry designs to conservation projects run by the trust especially the Studland Seahorse Tagging Project.

Check out Kerstains website for a wide range of ethically made Jewelry and help to fund the work of The Seahorse Trust at the same time.

MMO bans flash photography under license

By | The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

The Seahorse Trust has achieved another result in the further protection of Seahorses in the wild with our recommendations being used to ban flash photography under license in the wild.

The Marine Management Organisation who issue licenses allowing diving with seahorses (a protected species under the Wildlife and Countrside Act) has stated that ‘Due to advice received during wildlife licence consultations in relation to the potential impact of flash photography on seahorses, we are no longer issuing licences which permit flash photography. This is on a precautionary basis while we develop our evidence base on potential impacts.’

Seahorses have very sensitive eyes that can see in full colour in very low light levels and the sudden burst of flash into their eyes repeatedly can cause them a great deal of stress which in turn can cause death due to the latent diseases held in their body. Under normal conditions these diseases cause the Seahorses no problems but stress in the cases of flash have been known to kill Seahorses and that is why flash is banned in most aquariums in the world and on other research projects in the wild around the world.

This is an amazing achievement that will help to ensure the future of Seahorses in the wild and is another step in the long process of getting the Wildlife and Countryside Act enforced. The Seahorses have been officially protected since the 6th of April 2008 under the act as a result of the hard work of volunteers of The Seahorse Trust but up to now this protection hasnt been enforced so it is fantatsic to see this going one step further.

Second Seahorse fry in English waters

By | The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

On Friday the second of September a second Spiny Seahorse fry was found by fishermen 4 miles out from East Preston in West Sussex.
Graham Andrews and long term friend Tim who owns the fishing boat Charlie Girl got the surprise of their fishing life’s when they reeled their lines in to clear snagged Thong weed and found a 5cm long Spiny Seahorse curled up tightly on the weight at the end of their line. The diminutive Seahorse; the second only fry found in England seemed a little shocked by its ordeal but fisherman Graham had the presence of mind to take a number of pictures and then return the baby seahorse back into the water, who would have drifted back down to the depths to hide amongst the weed again, hoping not to be found.
Trust experts think that the tiny baby; known as a fry was a female, although at her age which would be about 8 weeks she is not sexually mature which happens at about 6 months.
Graham contacted The Seahorse Trust who run the British Seahorse Survey and reported his amazing find so it could be added to the National Seahorse Database run by the trust.
Without fishermen, divers and others submitting sightings to the database the trust would not be able to protect seahorses in the wild here in England and Wales. By volunteers and others submitting their sightings The Seahorse Trust had both British Seahorses added to the Wildlife and Countryside Act where they have the same protection as Otters, great crested Newts and water Voles.
Here at the trust we are grateful to Graham, Tim and others who have helped us to make such a difference.

E415d H_guttulatus Graham Andrews