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Research trip to Cambodia

By | The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

I have just come back from a fact finding trip to Cambodia with Kealan from Save our Seahorses in Ireland ( and would like to thank Paul from Marine Conservation Cambodia and Suzi from Projects Abroad ( for hosting and funding the trip and a special thanks to the Government and people of Cambodia for their warm welcome and hospitality.
We looked at the Islands of Koh Rong Samleon and Koh Rong for seahorses and we found 6 in total of 2 different species. Recently the site has been devastated by trawling and our work with everyone else was to devise projects to ensure the future of the seahorses and the habitat in the area and also to understand more about the biology and ecology of the seahorses and the environment.
With this in mind we are setting up an aquaculture project in Sihanoukville on the mainland to release seahorses back into the wild and a wide range of projects on the islands, looking at the jungle as well as the sea. This is just an early stage of the project and already we have had the go ahead form the Cambodian Government for many parts of the work and I would like to offer my sincere thanks for their hospitality and kindness. This is an exciting project for all concerned as it will allow us to bring our expertise to this much needed area. As things progress I will keep you all updated on the project and the work.



By | The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

They did it, Fashion swims for seahorses Ada, Kurt and Nik swam a total of 12km for the seahorses and a massive thank you to them all (including their aches and pains, they picked up on the way) They now deserve a rest after that mammoth task. Its now your turn, there are 3 months left to make a donation for this incedible feat, so please dig deep and even if it is a £1 then please donate, to show your support and dont forget to gift aid it. For every £1 you donate if you are a UK tax payer Virgin Giving can claim 25p in tax you have already paid, so it does not cost you a penny. Thank you so much to the team for their hard work.



Seagrass meadows are dying

By | The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

This article in New Scientist is every good reason why we should protect seagrass meadows with the utmost urgency before it is far too late. Campaign very loudly and get those in authority to listen before it is too late not just for seahorses but for us as well.

You can make difference by supporting the trust in its work to get areas around the UK protected, this is now a time issue. If we do not protect these fragile sites they will be gone forever and all the species (including humans), especially seahorses that rely on them will have a very uncertain future.

Support the trust in its work by adopting a seahorse or becoming a member (or just making a donation) and don’t forget Ada and the team are swimming for seahorses this weekend so click on the link in the previous article and sponsor them on their swim.

Ada and the team in

By | The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

Ada and the team have been training really hard for the sponsored swim on the 27th and they need your support. Please blog, tweet and facebook everyone you know and get them to dig deep for Team Seahorse.

They have just been featured on

To sponsor the team then please go to

and please do not forget to gift aid any donation, it makes a huge difference.


Fashion Swims for Seahorses

By | The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

Dear all, Ada, Kurt and Nik (Team Seahorse),

are doing a swim for seahorses to raise money for the work of The Seahorse Trust on the 27th of May please please please support them. Have a look at their Facebook page and sponsor them through the Virgin Giving donation website
Please pass this on to all your friends and familly and post it on as many media websites as possible. If you could facebook it, Twitter it and spread the word as far and wide as possible, we would love to send it out to at least 100,000 people.

Our three intrepid swimmers need support PLEASE help them to help the seahorses.

Many thanks

Neil Director The Seahorse Trust

Second seahorse washed up because of the storms

By | The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

A second seahorse has turned up because of the severe storms in Poole Harbour in Dorset. Dave Hartwell of the Water Sports Academy found the mature 15cm female Spiny Seahorse washed up on the beach. He had the quickness of thought to put her into a bucket, which saved her life. He then contacted the trust, as a direct result of the article about the seahorse found on Knoll Beach which was recorded in the Bournemouth Echo yesterday, to find out what to do. Because seahorses are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act (as a direct result of lobbying and hard work of the trust volunteers) it is illegal to kill, disturb or take seahorses from the wild, so Dave under guidance from the trust took a few picture (without flash, which is illegal) of the seahorse against a ruler, so we could get an accurate measurement of her and then put her back into the sea, into a sheltered spot so she would not wash up again.
Thanks to Dave and the academy this is a very lucky seahorse and his actions have directly helped the local population of Spiny Seahorses.

E424 H.guttulatus Dave Hartwell

Lucky seahorses at Studland

By | Studland Bay, The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

A seahorse was found at Knoll Beach in Studland, Dorset last week by a young lad. The lucky seahorse was thought to be dead but was put into a jar and it ‘recovered’. After a short while they had the great idea to put it back in the water and it swam off happily. Great to hear to hear they are coming back. We have been diving the site for months now and slowly the temperature has risen, which is always the trigger for the seahorses to come back to shallower water.
Fantatsic news that this lucky seahorse was found by this quick thinking chap and especially as she had been run over by a bicycle before he picked her up.

Check out the National trust website to see her

E423 H.guttulatus Kevin Rideout

Save our Seahorses (Malaysia)

By | The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

Please find the 2010-2011 report from our colleagues at Save our Seahorses in Malaysia. they are doing some amazing work and if you want to know more please have a look at their website which is

Around the world there are a number of small organisations doing incredible work, without them the natural world would be doomed, so please dig deep and try and support us all, without you we cannot help them.

SOS Malaysia report

Kjetil Svendson does a youtube film about Studland Bay

By | Studland Bay, The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

Have a look at Kjetil Svendson’s Youtube clip about Studland Bay and the problems there. He also shows the simple solution of what can be done such as installing environmentally friendly moorings (EFM’s).

Marine Management Organisation have offered in their last meeting to pay for and install 50 EFM moorings, so fingers crossed this will be done before the new season.

The Seahorse Trust warmly welcomes Ellie and Monty as patrons

By | The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

The Seahorse Trust is incredibly lucky to be supported by a wide range of people from all walks of life and our patrons are very special to us. From a variety of differing backgrounds they support the work we do and we would like to welcome Ellie Harrison and Monty Halls onboard as our newest patons.

Both Ellie and Monty have amazing widlife backgrounds and both are fascinated by the natural world, especially the marine world. In their different ways they have promoted the marine environment and the problems and amazing diversity in it.

We look forward to working with them both over the years and we would like to say a massive thank you to them both for their support of the trust and the work it does.


Ellie Harrison

Monty Halls

Monty Halls