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Lila and her sisters raise money for the trusts work

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What a fantastic team. Lila Blake and her sisters Phoebe and Thia and their friend made some great objects and seahorses out of Hama beads to sell to raise money for the work of The Seahorse Trust. Between them they raised an amazing £30 which will go towards our British Seahorse Survey work.

In recognition of her hard work we have sent Lila an adoption pack and she decided Peta would be her favourite Seahorse.

Peta – Black Foot Indian name meaning “Golden Eagle” was found in Torbay when she was a youngster and was caught in a shrimp net; she was floating around with a large swarm of shrimps, which we think she was eating. Because of the various types of habitats to be found in Torbay it has both species of Seahorse living there and another Seahorse was found a week later about 100 yards from Peta but it was a Spiny Seahorse called Francis.

Thank you to Lila and her team for their hard work.


First repeat sighting of a seahorse confirmed in Malta

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Local dive guide and underwater photographer Pete Bullen has been observing seahorses when he happens across them in Malta for many years, through his sightings we can now confirm the first resighting of a female Spiny Seahorse. The small female (nicknamed ‘Milly’) who is in superb condition was first photographed by Pete when he happened across her in mid April 2013, recently he came across her again on his latest dive in mid-May and she was in a similar area to where she was originally found. Pete kindly sends any sightings of seahorses to The Seahorse Trust as we are building up the National Malta Seahorse Database and this is allowing us to get a picture of the seahorses and their behaviour around these amazing islands, in a similar way to the British Seahorse survey we run here in the UK.
The little female Milly has very distinctive spots on her head and by using photo ID techniques we have worked out this is exactly the same female in both sightings. Each seahorse has a ‘thumb print’ of markings on their head which is unique to each individual. The data we are gathering shows the movement and depths the seahorses use and spend time in and this information will be used to help protect seahorses into the future in Malta.
The exact location of a seahorse is never given out because it is important they are left in peace and quiet. In Malta, as it is in the UK, both seahorse species, the Spiny and the Short Snouted are fully protected under environmental laws, this is to ensure we have seahorses well into the future and the research work being undertaken in Malta is part of our information gathering to make sure there is a future for Seahorses.
If Pete happens across a seahorse during his dive, he will photograph it (without a flash) and note the location, depth, habitat and anything unusual about the seahorses or in the area. All this information is then sent to The Seahorse Trust so we can analyse it and add it to the database.
The British Seahorse Survey has been running since 1994 and is the longest running and most comprehensive survey of its kind in the world; it has over 750 sightings on the National Seahorse Database run by the trust and this database has been used to protect Seahorses throughout the UK. We have made some incredible discoveries about seahorses in the wild and learnt so much more about their behaviour in the wild. The Knowledge we have gathered through working on this survey is being used in Malta and we aim to give them a secure future as well.

M3 H.hippocampus Pete BullenM2b H.hippocampus Pete Bullen

Prof Jack Cohen opens new seahorse education area

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Seahorses in Wool, Dorset
Easter Saturday was a very special day for Wool in Dorset, with the opening of the new Seahorse Display Area at Woolbridge Business Centre. Those who attended were thrilled to see the amazing displays of these curious creatures performing beautiful ballets in natural looking surroundings.
Owner Tim Haywood has opened the center to educate and entertain visitors. He says sadly up to 150 million Seahorses are now believed to be taken from the wild each year to satisfy the Chinese Medicine Trade and the Aquarium and Curio Trades. It is hoped that our displays will help inform people of the Seahorses plight.
Entry is free, though a donation is encouraged to support The Seahorse Trust (Registered Charity No: 1086027 ).
Adding to the fun of the day was the ribbon-cutting by local celebrity, Professor Jack Cohen; co-author of Terry Pratchet’s Science of Discworld series, renowned biologist and Patron of the Seahorse Trust.

two display tanksjack cutting ribbon

Manta Rays and the natural world.

By | The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

I know this is not seahorses but the principal is the same, our natural world is being destroyed at an ever increasing speed and as we speak there is a chance to put Manta Rays on CITES II, please go the Mega Fauna website to read about it. Please be warned the site contains some horrific images of dead Manta Rays.
It is a fact that if we do not all act very soon, our natural world will be unbalanced to a point of no return, we are already seeing the results in strange weather patterns, millions of species such as seahorses killed for a fruitless trade every year, our forests still being cut down like grass, even here in the UK money counts for more than our amazing countryside as stated by Richard Benyon the Environment Minister in his recent ‘public consultation’ over the proposed marine conservation zones. Please lobby, shout or even scream at anyone and everyone who can make a difference to the marine conservation zone process, the closing date is the 31st of March.

Please don’t forget to sign your friends up to be members or to adopt a seahorse, the more funds we can generate the more we can do.

Seagrass Project Development Officer

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There has become an opportunty for the right person to work on a seagrass project in partnership with many organisations. The role is Project Development Officer and it is based at The National Marine aquarium in Plymouth.

Applications close on 22nd March. Following successful recruitment and they anticipate the officer being in post by late April. They will be in touch soon after that date to arrange meetings with interested parties.

Seahorse breeding project at MCC in Cambodia

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Please have a look at the piece of video (link below) that is on our Facebook page, it is of seahorse fry that have been bred by Marine Conservation Cambodia (MCC). This is a joint project between MCC, Save Our Seahorses (SOS) in Dublin and The Seahorse Trust (TST).

Paul and Zac at MCC have worked very hard to produce these fry and it is a superb effort on their part to get these very healthy looking fry, to this stage. Looking very carefullly at the video it can be seen that the fry have a good body weight, are swimming well and you can even see some of the fry eating. Looking very closely there is a slight orange tinge to the front of the gut which is the food the fry are feeding on.

Cambodia like so many countries in the Far East have had their seahorse stocks decimated due to illegal fishing, even though seahorses are fully protected in law in Cambodia. These fry are vitally important to the future of Seahorses in Cambodia and we wish Paul and Zac well in their amazing efforts to the conservation of seahorses.

Kind donation by GAC Logistics

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Dear all,

just wanted to say a massive thank you to GAC logoistics who have kindly made a donation towards our work, this money was generated over Christmas by not sending out bottles of wine to their customers. Instead they kindly made a donation to us for each bottle they would have sent out. GAC have been great supporters of us in the past and once again a massive thank you to them.

GAC Logo

Marine Conservation Zone Petition

By | The Seahorse Trust News | No Comments

Please let the government know how you feel about the  Marine Conservation Zone process by siging our petition. So far we have 7016 signatures and at the end of February or mid March we will send the petition to DEFRA and the Government so that they know the strength of feeling for this vitally important process.

The government have watered the process down from 120 proposed sites to 30 and not even included Studland Bay in the first tranche which is the most important site for Spinys Seahorses here in the UK, if not Europe.

Please sign on