Projeto Cavalos do Mar (Project Horses of the Sea) is a Brazilian project that study seahorses and pipefishes in the wild, mainly in the state of Rio de Janeiro.
Their team consists of 4 researchers and about 10 volunteers and every month they go to the sea, to dive on rocky shore and around islands.
When they find seahorses or pipefish they take pictures and scientific notes, such as many measurements as possible, such as the color of the fish, holdfast, water temperature, visibility and depth.
They also observe the reproductive state of seahorses and pipefishes, males and females, and we created a scale to register dermic appendages.
Projeto Cavalos do Mar dive in every seasons of the year, at least once a month in every area of their research.region
They also do some environmental education and marine conservation actions, such as: courses, lectures, activities in schools, and a Marine Conservation Congress called ConMar.